Sunday, January 18, 2015


Disclaimer: These pics were taken with my phone, in low light, and it was freezing so it was a chore to keep my hands still. Some of them aren't perfect, since I wanted to capture the colors so didn't use flash on some of them. Deal with it.

Saturday Megan and I went on a bit of an adventure, venturing far north into the wilds of New Hampshire to the mystical land of Lincoln. (No, not the president, Lincoln, NH). We went to see the recently opened man-made "Icecastle" there, because apparently we enjoy long drives and freezing our butts off. It was still worth it.

After waiting through amazing traffic, and an amazing line (outside, in 1F degree weather), we were finally able to walk around inside this thing. Here's their website, with probably prettier pics than I could ever take: Icecastles

If anyone decides to go, they should make sure they leave early enough for crazy traffic as you get closer, wear layers and lots of warm stuffs, including gloves that will be highly ineffective as you take them off every 30 seconds to take pics, until you suddenly realize you have no feeling in any of your fingers, and expect the McDonald's across the way to be a bunch of wankers who don't order enough buns or chicken nuggets for the sudden influx of tourists.

We finally parked, and started the trek to the line to get into the Icecastle.   (click on any pic to embiggen)

Then we waited in line for about 20 minutes in the snow, looking at the outside.

They had a guy juggling fire near the front of the line, we all wished he'd come closer so we could try to warm up using his torches! We finally made our way into the Icecastle. They did a really good job of lighting everything from the inside, rather than spotlights that would detract from the beauty. They had even made a slide for little kids, little crawl holes they could crawl from one section to another, and little areas you could go into that were off shoots of the main walk through area.

The first thing you see when entering

Megan checking her pics, note: I told her to bring gloves, and she ignored me



with flash

without flash

people for scale

no people

close up
"I'm freeezing"


  1. Beautiful! I see what you mean about the pictures being much better without flash. I have to say the ginormous icicles hanging straight down just moments from splitting you from stem to stern are a little concerning. Has the feeling returned in Megan's hands yet? Thanks for taking all the cool pics, that's an amazing place. Never saw anything like it. LOVE YOU!!!

  2. Nice! I'd go next time. Nice writing, too.
